The Kentucky Post

On January 03, 2008, The Kentucky Post closed the books on a 126-year-old print heritage at the end of 2007. To print journalists, the front page headline of “-30-” is familiar. It’s the line traditionally used to denote the end of a story.

KEF Condemns Funding To University — Kentucky Equality Federation today condemned the allocation of $1.2 million dollars in federal funding to the University of the Cumberlands. The funds will be used to help construct a health and wellness center for students, faculty and community members and a new science and technology building for the university. U.S. Representative Hal Rogers […]

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Northern Kentucky University to offer same-sex benefits

HIGHLAND HEIGHTS — Northern Kentucky University will expand employee health-care benefits, including coverage for domestic partners, putting it in the middle of a political battle over benefits for same-sex partners. NKU regents Monday approved the benefits package, which would allow employees to add family members or others to their plan when a spouse is not

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Anti-gay Christians miss message

Column by Kevin Eigelbach Cincinati Post — When I glanced at the headline, “Second state Baptist group ponders Wal-Mart boycott,” I was happy. At last, I thought, Christians are getting organized against the evil retail empire. I wondered if they wanted to boycott over Wal-Mart’s repressive labor policies, for its union-busting at its American stores,

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Representative Fischer’s (R) statement upsets gays

Candidate debate in Fort Thomas turns nasty against incumbent Representative Joseph Fischer. By Kevin Eigelbach, Post staff reporter Cincinnati Post — Gay rights groups are objecting to comments that state Rep. Joseph Fischer made to a Northern Kentucky newspaper. According to a Community Recorder article published Thursday, the Fort Thomas Republican said that it’s obvious

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