Whereas, the Appropriations and Revenue Committee of the Kentucky House of Representatives has failed to act to restore funding to the Kentucky AIDS Drug Assistance Program (“KADAP”), leaving hundreds living with HIV/AIDS without life saving medications.
Whereas, the 1,300 patients enrolled in KADAP, which is currently unfunded, receive medications through a hodge-podge of resources that are temporary and unsustainable.
Whereas, Kentucky has the longest waiting list in the nation for drug assistance, numbering over 170 men and women with more added daily.
Whereas, Federation President Jordan Palmer and other volunteers have visited the Capitol six (6) times during the 2010 legislation session to urge restoration of funding for KADAP without success due to Kentucky’s current financial crisis, as well as partisan politics.1 The President and other volunteers and/or allied organizations reported that key lawmakers with control over the Commonwealth’s budget are unable or unwilling to fund KADAP.
Whereas, the Kentucky Legislature is currently on the fiftieth day (50th) of a sixty day (60) legislative session, the probability of funding KADAP becomes infinitesimal with each passing day.
Whereas, 11 other Kentucky organizations, groups, or agencies joined the Federation in affirming that KADAP is a crucial and necessary program for Kentuckians living with HIV/AIDS.
Whereas, Kentucky citizens with HIV/AIDS will likely die without KADAP: At a meeting with the editorial on March 16, 2010, Dr. Francis Collins, the director of the National Institutes of Health, stated that in the 1980s, a 21-year-old diagnosed with HIV could expect to live just one year. Today, a 21-year-old who becomes HIV-positive has a life expectancy of 70. Dr. Collins noted the impact of anti-retroviral treatments that lower the level of HIV in the blood
and boost immune systems.
Resolved, the Federation is committed to securing peace, liberty, and equality for all Kentuckians, which by defacto must include their health and well-being.
Resolved further, the Federation will continue to work with all organizations, both state and national, to bring money to Kentucky to assist people with HIV/AIDS in paying for their life saving medications.
Resolved further, the Federation hereby condemns the inaction of the Appropriations and Revenue Committee of the House of Representatives for failure to secure the safety, and thereby the health of its citizens as provided under Section I of the Constitution of Kentucky by failing to fund KADAP.
Resolved further, the Federation hereby condemns the inaction of the Appropriations and Revenue Committee of the House of Representatives for ignoring the signatures of over 5,000 Kentuckians who individually requested KADAP be restored (over 400 within the past week alone) thereby violating Section IV of the Constitution of Kentucky.
Resolved further, the Federation believes and hereby declares an AIDS Crisis in the Commonwealth to its subscribers, members, followers, supporters, and allied organizations. The Federation urges all subscribers, members, followers, and supporters to practice safe sex and education themselves about the
virus and methods of transmission; AIDS Volunteers, Inc. (AVOL) provides free testing and educational material to 72 Kentucky counties.
Resolved further, the Federation urges the Appropriations and Revenue Committee of the Kentucky House of Representatives to allocate funds to KADAP posthaste.
Resolved further, the Secretary of the Board of Directors shall email a copy of this resolution to every member of the Appropriations and Revenue Committee of the Kentucky House of Representatives.
Click here for an unofficial copy of the resolution.
This is a true record of a joint resolution adopted by the Board of Directors of both Kentucky Equality Coalition, Inc. and Federation for Kentucky Equality, Inc. collectively, Kentucky Equality Federation, on March 18, 2010 in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Kentucky.