“Today, we call on Governor Steve Beshear to call a Special Session of the Kentucky General Assembly to impeach the Rowan County Clerk. The action of the Clerk defies Kentucky and U.S. Court rulings. This violates the oath of office taken by Kim Davis and if she cannot complete her job because of “religious beliefs” then she should resign. Government is free of religion and religious beliefs. Perhaps Ms. Davis would be happier in a religious state such as Afghanistan, Iran, or Iraq.” – Minister Jordan Palmer, Secretary-General of Kentucky Equality Federation and its member organization, Marriage Equality Kentucky.
“Kentucky Equality Federation attorneys are working now to file a lawsuit in Kentucky Courts.” On April 16, 2015 Franklin County Circuit Court Judge Thomas D. Wingate struck-down Kentucky’s 2004 Ban on Same-Sex Marriage in the Commonwealth of Kentucky stating, “Kentucky’s statutory and constitutional bans on same-sex marriage void and unenforceable for violating Plaintiff and Plaintiff’s Members Constitutional Rights.”
COURT RULING: https://www.facebook.com/KYEquality/photos/p.10153373501693563/10153373501693563/?type=1
See history of media coverages in: KEF IN PROP 8, KY-SUPREME COURT, and PALMER MARRIAGE LICENSE.
The county clerk issues marriage licenses (KRS 402.080) and files and records all marriage certificates (KRS 402.220 and 402.230). Military discharges may also be recorded in the county clerkâs office (KRS 422.090).
On or before the 10th day of each month, the county clerk reports to the state registrar of vital statistics all marriage licenses issued and all marriage certificates returned (KRS 213.116).
Each county clerk must furnish each applicant for a marriage license with a copy of a marriage manual to be prepared and printed by the Human Resources Coordinating Commission of Kentucky (KRS 402.270).